Live matching for CRM integrations

This has been a long time coming. Until now, our CRM integrations have depended on company identifiers like Organisationsnummer, CVR, and Y-tunnus. With the launch of Live Matching, those days are in the past.
How does it work?
When we import companies from the CRM we fetch more company fields so that we can match on other things than company identifier.
Live Matching uses our Smart company match that can match companies based on; Name, Address, Phone, URL, Domain, and company identifier (Organization number). We also use our contextual recommendation algorithms to further improve the suggested matches.
So after importing all companies, we will have matched part of the companies, some will be unresolved and some won't be found. Below is a screenshot of how an import result can look.

Instead of forcing our users to match the unresolved company all at once before they start using Goava, we've built in a natural Live Matching interface where users will match companies as they appear while prospecting in a Discover Segment.
When a company appears that might exist in the CRM we'll show this box on the company dashboard and you can Confirm, Reject or find the right match for the CRM company.

This will improve the mapping between your CRM and Goava over time so that your two most important sales tools stay in sync. We have already imported all your companies from the CRM before this release so there is no need to run new syncs - it's already done.
Note: Live matching is currently only available for the Dashboard view.
Average deal value and cycle time in Analytics

With this release we've also imported deal information from your CRM to be able to visualize average deal value and cycle time in Analytics. So now you can see what industries have the shortest cycle time (= from started deal/opportunity to customer) or what technologies have the highest average deal value, is it LinkedIn Ads or is it Hubspot CMS?😮
If you're a company that works with multiple currencies the average deal value might be a bit misleading, there will be an update shortly to address this since we currently import the deal value and disregard currency.